Currently, the development of the world of technology is increasing rapidly, thus the need for knowledge and strategy in the world of trade.It cannot be denied that the internet world plays an important role in the world of commerce, including social media such as Facebook, Instagram, blogger, YouTube and other flatroms play a role in the world of advertising that supports the world of commerce.So the need for carefulness and strategy in regulating the use of advertising patterns in the internet world monitoring keyword analysis, social media users to the economic level of its users so that we can increase the level of our trading level with a small capital to get a large profit.
At the present time, people tend towards convenience in terms of shopping, so there is no need for large amounts of energy and costs in terms of shopping, for example shopping only at home with delivery.
in this case we can take advantage of the convenience offered so that consumers can more easily reach us with the efficiency of time and cost become benchmarks for consumers to shop.
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