Hello, I'm rendy, this time I will open your mind, so nowadays we are more at home than outside, especially school children who study at home, you must wake up, take a shower, look at your assignments, go to tik tok Well, don't you think, you just don't get bored every day, don't you?.
When you want to be like that every day, just lying in bed, eating and sleeping for hours, that's all you do. Try to think about what you want in the future. You have to start now, don't get old later you will regret your actions.
Wake up Wake up Wake up Wake up Wake up Wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Wake up for your future, let's think about it from now on, don't when you grow up you regret it, understand, let's do what you can, fail, try again, fail again, try again, if you want to be a successful person, it's not instant, everyone needs to process instant noodles. instant there is a process.
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