blood donation benefits

Blood is one of the most important components in the human body. Your decision to donate blood through blood donation can save one life, or even several lives at once. Not only beneficial for the recipient, as a donor you can also get the benefits of donating blood for your own health.

What are the benefits of donating blood?

1. Lowers the risk of heart and blood vessel disease

Regular blood donation is known to be beneficial for lowering blood viscosity. The thicker the blood that flows in the body, the higher the possibility of friction between blood and blood vessels.

The friction that occurs in these blood vessels can damage the cells of the blood vessel walls, which in turn can increase the risk of blockage of blood vessels. This condition increases your risk of developing heart disease.

This is because blood donation also helps the body to get rid of excess iron. Excessive iron in the blood can cause oxidation of cholesterol. The results of this oxidation process can accumulate on the artery walls and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Through blood donation, iron levels in the body can become more stable and reduce the risk of heart and blood vessel disease.

2. Help lose weight

According to the University of California San Diego, donating 450 milliliters of blood can actually burn as much as 650 calories. That is why, blood donation is also useful to maintain ideal body weight and keep you from the risk of obesity.

Even so, don't make blood donation an 'event' to lose weight. Excessive blood donation can be harmful to your health.

3. Detect serious illness

Every time you want to donate blood, you will undergo routine basic checks, such as checking your weight, body temperature, pulse, blood pressure, and hemoglobin levels.

You will also be asked to undergo blood tests to detect the presence or absence of infectious diseases, such as HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis, and malaria. This aims to prevent the occurrence of disease transmission through transfusion.

For donors, this examination is of course useful for early detection of certain diseases. So besides helping other people who need blood, you can also get a free health check
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