What causes thin and hard to fat body?

So far, complaints about being overweight may be very common. Beyond that, did you know that even people who are too thin are no less restless? Not only is thinness unsightly, it can also cause many health problems. One of the problems that often arise due to the body being too thin is more susceptible to disease. Read the discussion below.

Causes of Thin Body
In general, the cause of a thin body in a person is the result of a lack of nutrient intake that enters the body. However, there are other causes of a thin body that you may not have known before, including:

/-Psychological problems
Psychological problems, such as mental disorders, anorexia (a condition in which a person decides to eat less because of an obsession with being thin), and bulimia (a condition in which a person intentionally vomits up what he has eaten in large quantities), can affect a person's ability to eat. Each of these conditions can affect a person's body image and appetite.

/-Irregular Eating
Eating not according to a regular or irregular eating schedule may be the cause of your thin body all this time

/-Imbalance between the food consumed and the amount of energy expended
Athletes or people who engage in high levels of physical activity can also be thin, because they burn a large number of calories..

/-Hormone Imbalance
This condition causes hyperthyroidism or vice versa, namely hypothyroidism.

/-Heredity (Genetic)
Some people have a low body mass index (BMI) due to physical characteristics that run in their families..
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