Types of Early Humans in Indonesia and Their Characteristics

 Early humans and pre-literate life are two things that cannot be separated from the history of the Indonesian nation. In this article, we will find out the types of ancient humans that existed in Indonesia along with the inventors and their characteristics.

Early humans are also called 'Pre-historic people' or prehistoric humans who are now known as pre-historic humans. As the name implies, prehistoric humans are a type of ancient humans who lived in an era that did not know writing.

The existence of ancient humans has been found by many archaeologists in various parts of the world, including Indonesia. Various authentic evidence that can strengthen the existence of early humans in Indonesia is the discovery of fossils, carvings, household tools, and so on.

Based on the findings of these evidences, experts can identify the types of ancient humans that existed in Indonesia. Not only that, researchers can even make a kind of developmental level from the oldest to the youngest ancient humans based on certain indicators.

This is a complete explanation of the types of early humans in Indonesia quoted from the Learning Module.

Meganthropus Paleojavanicus

Meganthropus Paleojavanicus is the oldest (primitive) ancient human species ever found in Indonesia. Meganthropus Paleojavanicus fossils were first discovered by archaeologists von Koenigswald and Weidenreich between 1936-1941 in Sangiran in the Pucangan formation.

The fossils of Meganthropus Palaeojavanicus that have been found include fragments of the upper and lower jaw bones, as well as a number of loose teeth.

Well, based on these findings, experts conclude the characteristics of Meganthropus Palaeojavanicus, namely:

1. Living in the early Pleistocene which is the early period of human life,

2. Has a very strong lower jaw and large molars,

3. Has a homonymous tooth shape,

4. Have strong chewing muscles

5. Has a massive face shape with thick cheekbones, prominent forehead bulge, sharp back of the head bulge, and does not have a chin,

6. Eat types of plants.


Pithecanthropus or also known as ape man is a type of ancient human https://www.detik.com/tag/human-purba whose fossils are mostly found in Indonesia. The first fossil discovery was made by a Dutch archaeologist named Eugene Dubois in 1891 in Trinil, Ngawi.

Fossils found in the form of the roof of the skull and femur. Based on these findings, Dubois gave him the name Pithecanthropus erectus which means ape man standing upright.

In addition to Pithecanthropus erectus, other Pithecanthropus species found in Indonesia are Pithecanthropus robustus, the great ape man, and Pithecanthropus mojokertensis, the ape man from Mojokerto.

Based on the findings of its fossils, Pithecanthropus has the following characteristics.

1. Pithecanthropus lived in the early and middle Pleistocene about 1 million to 1.5 million years ago.

2. Have a height of about 168-180 cm with an average weight of 80-100 kg.

3. Walk upright.

4. Have a brain volume of about 775-975 cc.

5. Straight bone shafts with very pronounced muscle attachment sites.

6. Body shape and sturdy limbs.

7. Has a very strong masticatory and neck muscles.

8. Have very strong jaws with large molars.

9. The shape of the forehead stands out very thick.

10. The shape of the nose is thick and does not have a chin.

11. The back of the head looks protruding

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