Common injuries experienced by badminton players

Sports injuries while playing badminton can happen to anyone, both professional and recreational athletes.

Compared to other sports, badminton injuries are more common during training than during competition.

Some of the risks of injury that can occur in badminton:

Shoulder Injury
Injuries that cause complaints of pain in the shoulder can occur due to fast and repetitive swinging movements (such as smashes and drives) in the long term.

Injuries can include inflammation of the muscles, tears in the tendons, or instability of the shoulder.
Elbow Injury
Injuries to the elbow can occur due to excessive and continuous stress on the muscles causing inflammation.
Back Injury
The lunging and ducking to return the shuttle can result in injury to the back muscles.
Hip and Thigh Injury
Badminton involves a lot of explosive movements that can cause injury to the thigh muscles (adductors, quadriceps, or hamstrings), especially when running, lunging, or jumping suddenly.

This injury is characterized by sudden pain when moving the groin (adductor muscle), quadriceps, or hamstrings.
Knee Injury
Sudden changes in movement, sudden movements and stops, jumping, and lunging, make the knee prone to injury.

Injuries often involve the cruciate ligament or meniscus of the knee. Other injuries include inflammation of the patellar tendon or patellofemoral syndrome.
Calf and Ankle Injuries
Explosive and repetitive movements can put a strain on the calf muscle (gastrocnemius), and can cause injury to the tendons and ligaments around the ankle.
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