Impact on the brain due to watching movies too often

In the digital era like now, pornography is still one of the entertainments consumed by many people through internet access whose prices are increasingly affordable, including teenagers.

Advances in communication technology have made pornography appear in various forms, including images, photos, writings, sounds, moving images, animations, including public performances that contain sexual exploitation and violate moral norms.

In fact, currently addiction or addiction to pornography cannot be cured pharmacologically and can only be treated with CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy).

One study in Germany showed that watching pornographic films or videos regularly can make the brain volume in the striatum area shrink. The striatum is an area in the brain associated with motivation.

Another thing that happens when watching porn is an increase in dopamine. Dopamine is one of the neurotransmitter compounds (signals in the brain) that plays an important role in motor control, motivation, arousal, strength, and reward, as well as simpler functions including lactation and nausea.

An increase in dopamine will make you feel happy. However, if the video is watched too often, the brain's sensitivity to sexual stimulation will decrease.
What are the effects of pornography on the brain?


Stimulation of the neurotransmitter dopamine (in large amounts) results in the buildup of a molecular switch protein called deltaFosB, one of the active ingredients that causes addiction in general.

Damaging memory and concentration

Pornography can make a person unable to feel pleasure during sex after marriage (called desensitization). According to research published in 2014 in JAMA Psychiatry, viewing pornography on a regular basis can blunt responses to sexual stimulation over time.

Reduced impulse and volition control
Porn videos cause us to lose control of ourselves to stop, even difficult to say no to something we don't want.

Easy stress

Some people who are addicted to pornography will experience depression even if the person is only facing a trivial problem.

Reduce brain volume

Previous research has shown that even moderate viewing of porn can shrink gray matter in areas associated with cognitive function linked to our ability to focus. Users of pornography can also get brainfog (brain fog) or difficulty thinking clearly. Some of the signs are easy to forget and easy to break concentration.

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