Dangers of Eating Instant Noodles Too Often

Instant noodles are delicious and practical to reduce hunger. However, you must know that instant noodles cannot replace the nutrients your body needs. Preservative seasoning with chemicals it has can harm the health of the body.

For those of you who often eat instant noodles, you should know what are the dangers of consuming them. Want to know anything? The following are the dangers of instant noodles, which are summarized from various sources:


The danger of consuming instant noodles is obesity. Instant noodles can indeed provide a filling effect, but also quickly make you feel hungry and make you tend to want to eat again.

In addition, instant noodles also have high calories and carbohydrates. Many people consume instant noodles by pairing them with rice and often consume instant noodles at night. This is what makes excess calories and carbohydrates so that it can trigger obesity.

2.Inhibits Nutrient Absorption

Instant noodles can inhibit the absorption of nutrients needed by the body. This causes it is highly recommended for children not to consume instant noodles because it is not good for children's growth.

3.Risk of Cancer

Instant noodles have preservatives so they can be stored longer before consuming them. The chemicals contained in it have carcinogenic properties that can trigger cancer cells.

4. Heartbreak

The dangers of eating instant noodles can also cause damage to the liver. The harmful substances contained in instant noodles will damage and interfere with liver function.

5. Digestive System Disorders

The inhibition of nutrients needed by the body also has an impact on the disruption of the digestive system. Digestion requires a lot of minerals and nutrients. If digestion is disturbed, then you will be at risk for constipation, bloating, and even leaky gut.
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