Symptoms of Cataracts as Early as Possible


Cataract Symptoms That Usually Appear

Cataracts can be characterized by a variety of symptoms. However, cataract symptoms that appear in the early stages are often overlooked because they are not too bothersome. This is because the symptoms of cataracts generally run slowly.

Here are some of the symptoms of cataracts that usually occur:

1. Blurred vision

The first symptom of cataracts is usually blurred vision. Generally, cataract sufferers will feel that objects that are far away look blurry, faint, and cloudy.

This symptom occurs because of a clumping of lens protein that causes the eye lens is no longer completely clear. As a result, light entering the eye is blocked and vision becomes blurry.

2. Sensitive to light

Another symptom of cataracts is that the eyes become more sensitive to light. The eyes can become dazzling and painful when looking at light sources, especially those that are shone directly in front of the face.

Even light in a previously unobtrusive room can become too bright to see. People with cataracts may also notice halos around lamps or light sources.

3. Decreased vision at night

Not only night blindness sufferers, cataract sufferers also have poor vision at night. Therefore, cataract sufferers are advised to be more careful when driving a car or motorbike at night.

Symptoms of sensitivity to light can also interfere with the vision of cataract sufferers, especially when the lights of other vehicles pass by. This can increase the risk of accidents.

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