Causes of Descending Intestines

The main cause of a descending bowel is a combination of pressure in the stomach and weakening of the muscles or tissues in the stomach. This condition can be triggered by several factors, such as:

  • Often lifts very heavy objects
  • Doing too much strenuous exercise
  • Suffering from chronic cough
  • Have chronic diarrhea or constipation
  • Excessive straining when defecating
  • Having an injury that causes damage to the intestinal supporting tissue
  • Having a congenital disorder
In addition to the above conditions, several other factors that can also trigger a descending bowel are pregnancy, smoking habits, the aging process, obesity, and poor nutrition.

How to Prevent Descending Intestines
Intestinal descent in newborns caused by congenital abnormalities generally can not be prevented. However, in adults, colon can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle, such as:

1. Lose weight
If you are overweight or obese, try to start losing weight. Being overweight can cause greater abdominal pressure and increase the risk of bowel descending.

To lose weight, you can try consulting a nutritionist so that you can undergo a diet and exercise that is suitable for your condition.

2. Increase consumption of fiber foods
Straining during bowel movements can also produce pressure in the stomach, so that the risk of bowel descending increases.

In order to minimize this risk, it is recommended that you eat high-fiber foods, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables so that you avoid constipation and make bowel movements smoother.

3. Meet the intake of body fluids by drinking water
Similar to eating fibrous foods, drinking water can also prevent constipation, thereby reducing the risk of colon descending. So, don't forget to always meet your body's fluid needs by drinking water, which is at least 8 glasses or 2 liters a day.

4. Avoid lifting heavy objects
Avoid lifting objects or weights that are too heavy. If you have to lift something heavy, make sure you are in the correct position when lifting the weight, by bending your knees and straightening your back and waist.

5. Quitting smoking habits
Smoking can cause a chronic cough that can increase the risk of developing a descending bowel or make the hernia worse.

Treatment of the descending bowel is tailored to the type, size, location, and symptoms that appear. However, basically, the main step to treat the condition of the descending bowel is only hernia surgery.

Surgery needs to be done when the descending bowel has caused severe symptoms or caused complications. For bowel conditions that are asymptomatic and still small in size, generally do not require surgery, but the development of symptoms and its size need to be monitored.

If you experience symptoms of bowel obstruction or have factors that can increase your risk of experiencing this condition, it is advisable to immediately consult a doctor so that appropriate treatment can be carried out.

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