Tips for Overcoming Motion Sickness While Homecoming

Not everyone can enjoy traveling during Lebaran homecoming, especially people who are prone to motion sickness. This complaint can also make the body less fit and fit when he arrives at his hometown. If you experience it, let's handle it the right way.

Overcome Motion Sickness During Eid Homecoming in this Way
Motion sickness symptoms usually don't last long and will go away on their own once the body has adapted to the atmosphere of the trip. However, to ease the discomfort caused by motion sickness, the following tips can help you:

1. Take a break
If the symptoms of motion sickness are starting to appear, try taking a short break. Inhale slowly while closing your eyes and do it a few times until you feel calmer. If you go by private car, open the windows and breathe fresh air.

If you feel tired, you are recommended to rest at a stop or rest area. When getting out of the car, take this time to walk around the rest area and do some light stretching. This method can also reduce aches when traveling back and forth.

2. Divert attention to something else
Distract yourself with things that keep your eyes from focusing on one point, such as listening to music. This has also been proven by research which states that listening to music can overcome nausea and other symptoms of motion sickness.

Besides listening to music, you can also sing or chat with other people so that you can be distracted from motion sickness.

3. Consume ginger, peppermint, or lemon
Consuming ginger, pepperment, or lemon is known to help relieve nausea and vomiting caused by motion sickness. The aroma of these three ingredients is also calming, so it can make the body more relaxed. You can consume it in the form of candy, tea, or brewed water.

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