The Impact of Strict Parents Parenting for Children's Development

Providing proper care is the obligation of parents in shaping and educating children. Of course, every parent wants the best for their child. However, sometimes this makes parents often place too high and rigid limits on their children so that strict parenting occurs.

Without realizing it, parents often demand that their children do what they think is best. However, be wary if the mother feels that she has implemented this parenting pattern for her child. This parenting style is also known as strict parents. Besides being able to trigger behavioral problems in children, this parenting also makes children's development not optimal.

Strict Parents Can Trigger Stress in Children

Being a parent makes mothers want the best for their children during their growth and development. Starting from ensuring that children's nutritional needs are met, children's mental health conditions are in a healthy condition, to a good future for children.

However, being a very strict parent doesn't seem like the right idea in educating children. Remember, if you want your child to be successful, the right parenting style needs to be done by parents. However, if parents often practice strict parenting to control their children so they are not labeled as failed parents, it seems that this is wrong and risks causing negative impacts on children.

Strict parenting is a parenting pattern that is too strict, where parents have high expectations for their children. Parents also often demand that their children do things that are best for their children. In this parenting, the children also do not get many opportunities to express opinions or question the decisions made for them.

Of course this can trigger behavioral disorders in children. In fact, parenting that resembles authoritarian parenting can trigger various negative impacts on child development. The following are negative impacts that can be experienced by children:

1. Low Confidence
Children who grow up in this parenting style are at risk of having low self-esteem. Children also have less sense of initiative compared to children who were shaped in the right parenting style.

In addition, children in this parenting style also do not have the ability to make decisions in their lives.

2. Children Become More Angry
Children in this care are also at risk for behavioral disorders, such as becoming more irritable and rebellious. This is because children learn and see what parents do in disciplining children.

Rising tone of voice, coercion, and threats are often the way for strict parents to discipline their children.

3. Risk of Being a Bullying Child
Children who see their parents' ways with verbal abuse, threats, and other unpleasant behavior often do the same as their peers. This is at risk of making children often do acts of bullying. In fact, children are also at risk of getting intimidated or bullied due to low self-confidence and self-esteem.

4. Stress to Depression
It is not impossible, children with this parenting pattern can experience mental health problems, such as stress to depression. In addition, children are also at risk of experiencing other mental health disorders, such as anxiety disorders which can cause disturbances in the development of their mental health.

Signs of Parents Applying Strict Parents Parenting
After knowing the impact that can be experienced by children due to strict parenting, it is important to know the signs of mothers doing this parenting pattern to their children. Well, here are signs to watch out for as signs of strict parenting, including:

  • Parents have zero tolerance for decisions made by children.
  • Children often lie to their parents.
  • Parents have many lists of activities or things that must be done by children.
  • Parents rarely give their children a choice.
  • Rarely do good communication with children.
  • Parents often do not believe in what their children do.
  • Parents are more concerned about the results achieved by their children than the process.
  • There is nothing wrong with discussing the right parenting style with the experts.
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