Various Symptoms of Typhoid that You Need to Watch Out for

Causes of Typhus
The main cause of this disease is the bacterium Salmonella Typhi. This type of bacteria is also directly related to salmonellosis, which causes infections in the digestive system that are worse than typhoid.

This disease is easily contagious. Salmonella typhi can be transmitted through contaminated food and drink. Exposure to bacteria in food or drink can occur when a person does not maintain hand hygiene or eats food that is cleaned using water contaminated with Salmonella Typhi bacteria. Likewise with drinks. Make sure you always consume drinks with optimal ripeness levels.

Typhoid Risk Factors

Several factors can increase a person's risk of developing typhoid, including:
  • Poor sanitation.
  • Not cleaning hands before eating, or not being clean in washing food.
  • Eating vegetables that use fertilizer from infected human feces.
  • Consuming dairy or dairy products that have been contaminated.
  • Use a toilet that has been contaminated with bacteria.
  • Have oral sex with those who carry the bacteria Salmonella typhii.
Typhoid Symptoms
Typhoid symptoms generally begin to appear 1 to 3 weeks after the body is infected with the characteristics of high fever, diarrhea or constipation, headache, and abdominal pain. This condition can worsen within a few weeks.

If not treated properly, complications such as internal bleeding or rupture of the digestive system (intestines) can occur. The risk of complications will also develop into life-threatening if the situation is not treated properly.

If left untreated, it is estimated that 1 in 5 people will die of typhus. While those who stay alive are at risk of complications caused by infection. Generally, typhoid is treated with antibiotics.

The decision to treat at home or in the hospital depends on the severity experienced. If typhoid is diagnosed at an early stage, you can undergo treatment at home with antibiotic treatment for 1-2 weeks. Hospitalization is only needed if cases of typhoid are diagnosed late or are already in an advanced stage.

Typhoid treatment
The most effective way to treat typhus is to immediately give antibiotic therapy. In addition, fever-reducing drugs can also be given to lower body temperature. Treatment of deep typhus is carried out in a hospital, but if the symptoms are still mild and detected early, then the treatment can be done at home.

Typhoid Prevention
Prevention that can be done is by vaccination. In Indonesia, the typhoid vaccine is an immunization recommended by the government, although this vaccine is not yet included in the mandatory category. The typhoid vaccine is given to children over the age of two and is repeated every three years. Typhoid immunization in Indonesia itself is given in the form of injections to toddlers and in oral form to children aged over six years.

As with other vaccines, the typhoid vaccine does not provide 100 percent protection. Children who have been immunized against typhoid are still susceptible to infection, but the level of infection experienced by children who have been vaccinated will not be as severe as those who have not been vaccinated at all.

Vaccination is also recommended for people who intend to work or travel to areas that are being hit by cases of the spread of typhus. Another preventive measure that also needs to be taken is to pay attention to the food and drinks that will be consumed. If you and your child intend to eat out of the house, you should avoid eating in open places that are easily exposed to bacteria and it is advisable to consume packaged drinks.
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