what is javascript ?

JavaScript is a programming language that is widely used in the development of websites, applications, and games.

By mastering this programming language, you can create an attractive website display or develop popular web-based online games.

What is Javascript?

JavaScript is a popular programming language used to create websites with dynamic website content.

Dynamic content means content can move or change in front of the screen without needing to reload the page. For example, the photo slideshow feature, animated images, poll filling, and others.

JavaScript itself is actually usually collaborated with HTML and CSS. Where HTML is used to create website structures and CSS to design website page styles. Then, JavaScript plays the role of adding interactive elements to increase user engagement.

For example, when you give likes and comments on Twitter. You can see the number of likes and comments that continue to grow in real time, without being reloaded.]

JavaScript was originally a programming language that only worked from the client side or the front end. This means that the processing of the code will only run in the browser.

At that time, Google made this programming language more popular by using AJAX for the suggestion feature in the search field. AJAX aka Asynchronous JavaScript and XML is a technique for updating web page data without reloading.

Since then, many developers have started to use the JavaScript programming language to create more attractive and lively websites.

Along with its development, JavaScript can not only be used on the client side, but also on the server side. Execution of this programming language on the server side can be done by utilizing JavaScript framework platforms such as Node.js, React.js, and others.

With the framework, many backend developers are starting to look at the JavaScript programming language a lot. Thus, sophisticated products such as mobile applications, website applications, and online games were born.


JavaScript was first developed by Brendan Eich of Netscape under the name Mocha, later renamed LiveScript, and eventually JavaScript.

Navigator has previously supported Java for more use by non-Java programmers.So a programming language called LiveScript was developed to accommodate this. This programming language eventually developed and was given the name JavaScript, although there is no language relationship between Java and JavaScript.

JavaScript can be used for many purposes, for example to create rollover effects in both images and text, and most importantly, to create AJAX. JavaScript is the language used for AJAX.

Created by Netscape
The first web browser with a graphical user interface, Mosaic, was released in 1993. Accessible to non-technical people, it played an important role in the rapid growth of the nascent World Wide Web. Lead developer Mosaic later founded the company Netscape, which released a smoother browser, Netscape Navigator, in 1994. It quickly became the most widely used.

During the early years of the Internet, web pages could only be static, with no dynamic behavior once loaded into the browser. As there was a demand for a scripting language in the growing web development community, Netscape decided to include it in Navigator in 1995. To do this, they worked with Sun Microsystems to integrate the Java programming language, as well as recruited Brendan Eich to embed the Schema language.

Netscape management quickly decided that the best solution was for Eich to create a new language with a syntax that was more Java-like than Schema or any other existing scripting language.[20] Although the new language and its interpreter implementation was called LiveScript when it was first shipped as part of the Navigator beta in September 1995, the name was changed to JavaScript for an official release in December.

The name JavaScript has caused some confusion as it implies that it is directly related to Java. Since the dot-com boom was just getting started and Java was the hottest new language right now, Eich saw the JavaScript moniker as a marketing ploy by Netscape.

Adoption by Microsoft
Microsoft debuted with Internet Explorer in 1995, as a guide to the browser war with Netscape. On the JavaScript front, Microsoft reverse engineered the Navigator interpreter to create its own, called JScript.

JScript was first released in 1996, along with early support for CSS and extensions to HTML. Each of these implementations is very different from their counterparts in Navigator. Because of these differences, it was difficult for web designers to make their sites appear effective in both browsers, which is why the "best viewed on Netscape" and "best viewed on Internet Explorer" logos were widely used for several years.
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